How to use the SOS or Uconnect App | Ontario, Canada[fr_CA]How to connect Jeep to Uconnect App in Canada | Team Chrysler[/fr_CA]

May 10th, 2018 by

Connectivity is key in any driver’s world these days. We’re spending more time in our cars, whether it’s on cross-country road trips or the daily commute. Uconnect offers a terrific range of technology-based opportunities to enhance the things that matter to our customers: safety, navigation, convenient communication, and entertainment options for both driver and passengers….

2017 New Compass Has CarPlay, Mississauga!

April 25th, 2017 by

Life in busy Mississauga demands a vehicle with stellar connectivity. Jeep is happy to report that the all-new 2017 Compass offers Apple CarPlay through a Uconnect dash interface. Choose from a 5-, 7-, or 8.4-inch touchscreen, which facilitates safe and easy access to your personal smartphone interfaces. Jeep was among the first companies to announce…

Autonomous Cars and Your Auto Insurance

March 9th, 2017 by

Have you ever wondered what would happen on the streets and highways in Brampton and Mississauga if autonomous cars were the norm? How do you feel about an expressway filled with self-driving cars? Still a little too Jetsons to believe? What if we told you that the number of crashes would actually be reduced by…

Connected Cars: Data On Wheels

January 22nd, 2017 by

No longer a topic of science fiction novels, net-connected cars are here to stay. According to Business Insider Intelligence stats, 75% of cars shipped in 2020 will offer internet connectivity. As with all new technologies, initial costs are still slightly prohibitive for the average buyer. While cars may offer the tech, not everyone is activating…

Tesla Driver Locked Out

January 22nd, 2017 by

Most drivers worry about running out of gas or electrical charge, or breaking down roadside. What they may not be expecting is the shock of suddenly being locked out of their own car due to a lack of cell signal. That’s exactly what happened to Ryan Negri of Las Vegas when he decided to test…


January 13th, 2017 by

  Restaurant recommendations and reservations, upcoming appointment reminders as you drive—your next car is slated to quickly become the savvy personal assistant you always dreamed of having. While she may not be ready to iron your shirts or walk the dog at bedtime, auto-tech advances are coming fast and furious, so who knows what’s around the corner?…

What does Jeep’s Trail Rated Badge mean?

December 8th, 2016 by

Trail Rated Jeep Certification Means Your Jeep is Ready to Rock ‘n Roll Are you a Mississauga Jeep enthusiast with a passion for adventure? If your Jeep has been Trail Rated, then you are ready for the greatest traction and water fording possible. Not only that, the toughest terrain has put your Jeep to the…

Autonomous Vehicle Adoption Will Affect the Automotive Industry

November 13th, 2016 by

After over 30 automotive experts from around the world were interviewed by McKinsey and Company on the potential impact of widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles. It turns out that the effect on the automotive industry, the economy, on how we travel from one place to another, and on society overall are all potentially huge. Here…

Navdy Display Goes Beyond Just Looking Cool

October 30th, 2016 by

Mississauga and Brampton drivers will be happy to know that Navdy, a Heads Up Display that uses projection to make cars smarter, is now on the market and selling for $799.  Navdy was first introduced in 2014 as a crowdsourcing model that ultimately raised 2.5 million dollars. A couple of years later with 26 million…

Otto Drives Commercial Budweiser Beer in Driverless Truck

October 26th, 2016 by

The next time you swill back a cold Budweiser brew, it just might have been delivered to your favourite Mississauga restaurant or bar in a driverless Uber Otto truck! In Colorado, Otto just delivered its first self-driving cargo of beer for Anheuser-Busch InBev, the makers of the famous Budweiser. James Sembrot, Anheuser-Busch InBev’s logistics director,…

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